***Lydia Miller is an Amish child sexual abuse survivor who has been walking the path of living with the aftermath for years. She has bravely shared the following with us. It is an honor to hold this space so Lydia's story can be heard and hopefully help people bridge the cultural gaps better as well as let others know they're not alone. -Mary
No, I don't lie.
I don't steal.
I would report someone(to Law Enforcement) that is not Amish that would break into my home and steal!
But yet, you (I) can't report anyone Amish that broke into my body =my own home and stole my virginity, my dignity and my sanity!
And then they say I'm (they're) sorry so now you (I) can't talk about it because they said I'm (they're) sorry, but (I) just deal with that pain and stay broken so I can do with you what I want too!
If you (I) bring it up, you (I) didn't forgive them and they said sorry!
Do they really think different or is it just to silence?
The abuse is not even about sex!
It's them getting to feel that power over you!
God wants to see us perfectly broken, but he looks at us differently than any of our emotional and sexual abusers!
Don't let your brokenness follow them for that control to take over but block ( set the boundaries you need to feel safe and hold them) them and let God take over!