I attended 5 different Amish schools in 3 different Amish Communities.
They all had the following in common:
One room schoolhouse,
grades 1-8 were taught,
schoolbook's are approved by Ministry,
wood stoves were used for heat
outhouses were used
The teacher was required to be in "good standing with the church".
The teacher more than likely attended the same type of school and was not required to have any additional education to teach.
How do I begin to describe the way the 5 different Amish schools I attended were?
Where do I begin talking about how forbidden it was to be different?
What do I say about the isolation and bullying that was allowed?
How to describe the heartbreak and years of terror I spent inside of a school like this?
How do I describe the feeling of FREEDOM at NEVER having to go back?
My experiences attending a community college, military training and a university were vastly different (more positive) than in Amish school, for this I will be eternally grateful and thankful.
